• Head of Research Group: Dr. István Zoltán REGULY
  • Members of the Group: Gábor Dániel BALOGH, Bálint SIKLÓSI, Balázs DRÁVAI
  • Contact: reguly.istvan@itk.ppke.hu
  • The research lab deals with maintaining and optimizing the utilization of parallel hardware solutions (high computational capacity servers) established within the Faculty, and also explores the high-level description of the optimal software-hardware interface. Our group conducts research using domain-specific programming languages OP2 and OPS to enable engineers and physicists to describe their problems efficiently and concisely without needing to concern themselves with the details of parallel hardware operations. Thus, from the high-level description of algorithms interpreted on structured and unstructured meshes, the OP2 and OPS languages generate high-performance code optimized for various parallel hardware. In our research, we collaborate with academic and industrial research groups, providing them access to modern architectures and high-performance computing environments.

The high-fidelity simulation of aircraft engines enables the design and development of effective airplanes. The simulation process is computationally intensive - thanks to our research it can be run on the largest supercomputers in the world, built with the latest massively parallel CPUs and GPUs.